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He was a Research Fellow at the Nigerian Institute of International Affairs, Lagos from 1982 to 1997. He was Special Adviser, Minister of External Affairs, federal Republic of Nigeria from 1986 to 1988; and Special Assistant to Chief Olusegun Obasanjo when he contested for the Secretary-General of the United Nations in 1971.
In 1994, he established the Christian Video Network, a Christian evangelical audio-visual ministry, and in 1997, he established Healing Wings, Chapel of Faith, a Christian Fellowship meeting three times a week.
From 2009, he has been a syndicated Christian weekly columnist of Vanguard Newspapers, Nigeria, Premium Times, Nigeria and the News Guru, Nigeria.
From 1988 to 2004, he was the proprietor of Videonet Limited, Lagos, a video tapes sales and rentals conglomerate of eleven outfits in Lagos and Port Harcourt
Christians are told lies so repeatedly, many no longer recognise the truth. Answer me this: did your pastor happen to mention that Jesus was killed by pastors?
“On 26 December 1993, armed robbers waylaid me on Lagos Airport road, and forcibly took my life. One of them fired his gun at me at point-blank range. The bullet pierced the body of my car, ripped into my body, and killed me. I bled to death right there by the roadside. Imagine my surprise when I later discovered that the killer after my life was no other than Jesus Christ, my Saviour.
What kind of father tells his son to marry a prostitute? What kind of person tells Ezekiel to announce to the world that his wife would die the next day in order to prove a point, and then insists that he must not weep? What kind of person tells the Levites to carry a sword and kill members of their own family and relations? What kind of person instructs Isaiah to go around without his trousers for three years? What kind of person kills off millions of his children one by one over forty years in the wilderness? God, that is who. He is Doctor Strangelove.
God, in His foolishness, became flesh. He dwelt among men, and we beheld His veiled glory. God, in the person of Jesus Christ, became a baby, crawled on the ground, sucked a woman’s breast, and learnt to walk and talk. God, in His foolishness, grew in wisdom and stature. And God, in His foolishness, was hated, despised, and vilified. He died a shameful death on the cross as a man, but in His divinity, He rose from the dead with power.
All Christians believe they are heaven-bound. However, the Bible says otherwise. From Genesis to Revelation, the message is the same. Most Christians are going to end up in hell, and not in heaven. Jesus warns that: “many will come from east and west, and sit down with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven, but the sons of the kingdom will be cast into outer darkness.” Clearly, Christians are the sons of the kingdom today. Isaiah says: “Though your people, O Israel, be as the sand of the sea, only a remnant will return.” Though there are billions of people today who call themselves Christians, only a remnant will make it to heaven. Only a few will make it. Now here is the billion-dollar question. Are you and I going to be counted in that small number?
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If someone asks you: “How do you do?” Tell him: I do with “Jesus.” If he asks you: “How do you do?” Tell him: “I cannot do without Jesus.”
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