STOP TRYING TO BE GOOD (4) Human generosity is a sin against God. How can a mere mortal be right-standing in the eyes of God? First,
STOP TRYING TO BE GOOD (3) Without Jesus, we can do nothing. Stop trying to be good because: “There is none good but One, that is
STOP TRYING TO BE GOOD (2) Goodness is not amenable to human effort. Stop trying to please God. If you try to please God, you will
STOP TRYING TO BE GOOD (1) Goodness cannot be found in man. Goodness is a fruit of God’s Holy Spirit. If God asks you to do
THE GREATEST BLESSING OF ALL You want to see a man that is blessed, don’t ask what kind of job he has. Don’t ask how
BORNE ON HEALING WINGS (2) “To you who fear My name the Sun of Righteousness shall arise with healing in His wings.” (Malachi 4:2). It
BORNE ON HEALING WINGS (1) Thus says the Lord: “Whosoever you touch and pray for, I will heal.” In 1994, the Lord healed me miraculously
GOOD AND BAD SUCCESS To overcome defeat, we have to be defeated. To overcome poverty, we have to be poor. To overcome death, Christ
THE NARROW ROAD TO THE ABUNDANT LIFE God creates success out of failures. He creates life out of death. He creates wealth out of poverty. When Lazarus
WOE TO THE RICH The kingdom of God that Jesus proclaims is only for the poor and the needy. Which is better: