GOD DOES NOT RULE IN THE AFFAIRS OF MEN God did not cause the earthquake and tsunami in Japan. Daniel says: “The Most High rules in the kingdom of
FISHERS OF MEN The gospel will lead far more people to condemnation than to salvation. David counsels that when God speaks once, we
THE SEX OF GOD Adam was not a man. Paul says Adam was created before Eve (1 Timothy 2:13). He says furthermore: “Man did
“A-PAUL-LING” EPISTLES Music to the ears but poison to the soul. Most Christians read the epistles of Paul with a veil over
DEFEATED BY CHRIST The chief conspirator against me was God. When I was a Research Fellow at the Nigerian Institute of International Affairs,
THE FAMILY OF GOD Paul did not understand what it means to be a son of God. Paul and other New Testament writers refer
NO FATHER BUT GOD Jesus only promises eternal life to those prepared to forsake all natural relationships. Is Jesus the son of Abraham? Is
A DISHONEST CHRISTIAN Rebellion is like the sin of witchcraft. From 1986 to 1988, I was Special Adviser to Professor Bolaji Akinyemi, then
THE ONE GOOD PASTOR In the kingdom of God, there is only one church and only one pastor. I became the pastor of Healing
THE RIGHT REVEREND How come church-members call us “Reverend Femi” but we just call the Lord, “Jesus?” When I wrote my first book,