GOD DOES NOT KNOW WHO WILL BE SAVED The salvation of God is not predetermined. Neither is it discretional nor based on God’s unmerited grace. Jesus’ teaching reveals
GOD DOES NOT FORBID BAD THING The report of the Lord is first and foremost a bad report. There is a misunderstanding prevalent among Christians, especially
THE FIRST SHALL BE LAST The first in this world can never be first in the kingdom of God. Believers should be schooled in kingdom
CHRISTIANS DON’T LIKE JESUS We may say we love the Lord because he is our Saviour, but the truth is we don’t like him.
THE KILL-JOY The Lord is determined to kill everything that gives us joy until we have no joy left outside of him.
UNRIGHTEOUS MONEY Money is not a currency of the kingdom of God. Most Christians do not bother with the words of
WOE TO THE RICH The kingdom of God that Jesus proclaims is only for the poor and the needy. Which is better:
THE CONSOLATIONS OF CHRIST The true gospel is about rich Christians becoming poor in this life. When Christians preach the false prosperity gospel, their
OVERCOMING THE WORLD In this world there will be power cuts. Ask a Nigerian Christian how to improve the life of Nigerians, and
THE WORDS OF ETERNAL LIFE There is only one man who has ever lived that can speak words of eternal life and that man is