MANIPULATED TITHES AND OFFERINGS If you choose not to give, God is not going to deny you of his kingdom. Malachi 3:8-10 is one
ALL FLESH IS GRASS (2) Adam could not keep his inheritance. Samson could not retain his strength. Solomon became foolish in his wisdom. Beloved Christian:
ALL FLESH IS GRASS (1) Death was Jesus’ secret weapon. Jesus triumphed over life by laying down his life. In Isaiah 40 in the bible,
THE DISTINGUISHED FAMILY OF GOD God’s sons are exclusively men and women of faith who do God’s will. God is not a Father through creation.
DOWN MEMORY-LANE WITH AFRICA’S SIT-TIGHT PRESIDENTS Like Mandela, Robert Mugabe became Zimbabwe’s first black African president. But unlike Mandela, Mugable refused to relinquish power. As
THE DAY OF MY RESURRECTION FROM THE DEAD . There is a bullet in my leg, but there is nothing wrong with my leg. Twenty years ago,
THE DAY OF MY DEATH The bullet hit me and I bled to death right there on the roadside. I was born on 12th
ARE THE NIGERIAN POLICE THIEF-CATCHERS OR ARE THEY THIEVES THEMSELVES? By imposing fines which any right-thinking person can tell the average car-owner cannot pay, the car-owner is forced to
BIGMANISM IN NIGERIA Nigeria is not only the country with the largest black population in the world; it is also, in all
THE REVOLUTION IS CRIME Those were the days when peace of mind could be bought with hypocritical acts of philantropy. But that just