O LITTLE TOWN OF BETHLEHEM! Abraham was looking for the birthplace of Jesus. You become that birthplace the day Christ is formed in you. A
THE BLESSING OF THE LORD (3) There are so many things God will not do for us. One of them is that he will not forgive
THE BLESSING OF THE LORD (2) The blessing the Lord had in mind for Abraham was to make him sinless by forgiving him his sins. God
THE BLESSING OF THE LORD (1) The greatest blessing God ever bestowed upon man was to forgive us our sins. The Lord often asks seemingly difficult
THE HEART OF THE MATTER Love is always lawful. Love is always the right thing to do. A man was employed to produce pens. His
WOULD JESUS’ GOOD SAMARITAN BE A MUSLIM IN NIGERIA TODAY? Jesus despises the faith of self-righteous Jews, and he makes a point of commending deliberately the deeper faith of non-Jews.
HELL-BOUND CHRISTIANS AND HEAVEN-BOUND UNBELIEVERS Because Christians have provoked God to jealousy, God is also determined to make Christians jealous. Why is it that God
T.B. JOSHUA NAMED “YORUBA MAN OF THE YEAR” IN NIGERIA “I do not receive honor from men.” (John 5:41). The most celebrated and eminent son of Nigeria and Africa as
“NO KING IS GREATER THAN GOD:” OONI OF IFE “He has on His garment, and on His thigh a name written, KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS.” (Revelation
CHRISTMAS CAROLS BRING SOLACE TO LIBYA’S FEARFUL FAITHFULS “Come to me all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11:28). Tripoli