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God says: “I am the LORD, that is My name; and My glory I will not give to another, nor My praise to carved images.” (Isaiah 42:8).  

Jesus says: “Woe to you when all men speak well of you, for so did their fathers to the false prophets.” (Luke 6:26).


The Open Heavens International Centre at the Redemption Camp of the Redeemed Christian Church of God, RCCG, celebrated its one year anniversary recently.  It was established on 6th July, 2011 at a cost of over 60 million naira.  It is the conversion of Pastor Enoch Adeboye’s first residence into a gallery cum library, where devotees of the revered and venerated pastor are afforded the opportunity to travel on the path Adeboye traversed on the way to public glory. 

According to Sam Eyoboka, the matriarch of the Redeemed church, Pastor (Mrs.) Folu Adeboye, had a vision to convert their first house in the camp, where they jointly fought against wild animals, reptiles, and other principalities and powers, into a place where tourists to the camp can practically appreciate Pastor Adeboye’s spiritual voyage.  However, it is important to state, for the avoidance of doubt, that Adeboye is not dead yet, he is still very much alive.


The centre includes:

Life and Times, a pictorial documentary profile of the G.O’s life and times from birth to academia and from the academia to ministry.

The Gallery, a long aisle of photo gallery.

Mummy’s Room: a recast of Mummy’s Room as it once was (without a bed).

Daddy’s Room: a recast of Daddy’s Room the way it was when they first moved in to the camp.

Prayer Closet: G.O’s prayer closet where earnest and fervent prayers were uttered and answers received.

G.O’s Library: comprising Daddy G.O.’s favourite books; resources and relics; and his authored books.

Daddy G.O’s 70th Birthday Room: a montage of childhood, family academic and ministry photographs, including Daddy G.O.’s sporting materials like the boxing gloves.

The Souvenir Shop:  showing G.O’s published books, bibles, Open Heavens Devotional, and gift items, such as T-shirts, calendars, brochures, memorabilia, mugs, teacups, flasks, ballpoint pens, face caps etc.

A major attraction is “The Bed.”  This is the marital bed used by Pastor Adeboye and his wife, Folu, when they first moved to the Redemption Camp. It is part of the Open Heavens Gallery.

Already testimonies abound from the numerous visitors to the Centre.

Pastor Yusuf Olayiwola from Katsina said: “The grace of God on Pastor and Pastor (Mrs.) Ade-boye has been inspirational and challenging. It is a great privilege to be related to such a great icon.”

Dr. Remi Sogunro said he laid three requests before the LORD at “Daddy G.O’s Prayer Room.”  The first request was granted instantly; the second a few days later; and the third a few weeks later.

Rhema Ufuomaoghene Akalamudo, a JSS I student, claims she was healed of a sprained waist after praying in the Prayer Room.

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