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Thus says the Lord: “Your covenant with death will be annulled; your agreement with the grave will not stand. When the overwhelming scourge sweeps by, you will be beaten down by it.” (Isaiah 28:18).

President John Atta Evans Mills of Ghana died at a military hospital in Accra on 24th July, 2012.  He was 68 years old.  He was in the last few months of his first-term as president; a new election is scheduled for 7th December, 2012.

President Mills was a disciple of Prophet T.B. Joshua of The Synagogue Church of All Nations, Lagos.  He was a regular visitor in the church and he maintained T.B. Joshua prophesied his election as president in 2008.

T.B. Joshua is establishing a reputation as a prophet of death.  On 5th February, 2012, in a live telecast service, T.B. Joshua predicted that an African Head of State would die suddenly of sickness within 60 days.  On 5th April, 2012, Malawian President Bingu wa Mutharika collapsed during a meeting and died of cardiac arrest.  T.B. Joshus then predicted that another old African Head of State would soon fall critically ill and be hospitalised.  Many supposed this was referring to octogenarian President Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe, who is battling with lingering poor health.  Therefore, some Zimbabweans kicked against T.B. Joshua’s scheduled visit to Zimbabwe.

T.B. Joshua expressed profound shock over the death of Atta Mills.  However, he denied receiving any revelation concerning his death.  Had he known, he said he would have intensified prayers to avert it.  T.B. Joshua says:

“Mills was a very committed person in the things of God and also very dedicated. Each time he was in church, you could see the fervor and hunger and thirst for God written all over his countenance. He was a very dear son to me and I was his spiritual godfather.  His death is a great shock and blow to me personally. Of course, I knew he had been ill for some time now and he had come for special prayers concerning his health thrice this year, and I and my other ministers had prayed fervently for him. I was so hopeful he would recover his health completely, but it is sad and only God knows best why he should die now.

I know many persons will be saying how come my fervent prayers did not save his life. All I can answer such persons is, why did God allow Stephen in the New Testament Bible to be stoned to death? Why did God not save the life of Stephen, an innocent man, as he was being stoned, dying? The answer is simply this: sometimes God allows things to happen for unknown reasons, and indeed reasons no man can explain, that is why God is Almighty Sovereign God; who indeed can question Him, who can challenge God?

When we humanity eventually see God in the glorious city of Heaven, then, can we have answers to all our questions. For now, he can only get a 99 percent answer but never a 100 per cent answer.”

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