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“I indeed baptize you with water to repentance. But He who comes after me is mightier than I, whose sandals I am not worthy to carry. He shall baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire” (Matthew 3:11).

A church leader in Nigeria’s Lagos state set a woman on fire claiming he had been asked to do so by “God”. The priest added that as per “god’s” instruction, the woman would not suffer burns, local media reported.

The incident took place on Sunday, when the church leader, during his sermon, claimed he was told by “god” if he set the woman in the church ablaze, she would not suffer burns, according to Daily Post.

The proclamation, however, did not hold true and the woman sustained serious burns and had to be rushed to hospital.

“Our prophet said the spirit of God whispered to him that I would not burn if he set me on fire. When I came out, they poured kerosene on my body and set me ablaze,” the woman, identified as Madam Bosede, told the Nigerian newspaper.

The cleric, however, defended his action, claiming similar experiments he had done before had worked.

“I heard the voice clearly, but I don’t know what happened after we set fire on her. God has been speaking to me, and it has been working, so I wonder why now,” he told Daily Post.

Daily Post

19 January, 2016


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