THE PARABLE OF THE RICH FOOL The Parable of the Rich Fool – Luke 12:13-21 When was your most recent mountaintop experience with God? Bible Reading
THE WIDOW’S OFFERING The Widow’s Offering – Mark 12:41-44 Should the poor give offerings? Bible Reading Mark 12:41-44 41 Now Jesus sat opposite
THE HEALING OF THE PARALYTIC The Healing of the Paralytic – Mark 2:1-12 In what way is sin like paralysis? Bible Reading Mark 2:1-12 1
THE CALLING OF THE FIRST DISCIPLES The Calling of the First Disciples – Mark 1:14-20 Why would the promise of “catching men” be attractive to men
JESUS CLEARS THE TEMPLE Jesus Clears the Temple – Mark 11:12-19 What are some of the things going on in the churches today that
THE REQUEST OF JAMES AND JOHN The Request of James and John – Mark 10:35-45 What sort of unreasonable request do we sometimes make of God?
THE AUTHORITY OF JESUS The Authority of Jesus – Mark 11:27-33 How do the religious authorities of today deal with Jesus’ threat to their
THE GREATEST IN THE KINGDOM The Greatest in the Kingdom – Matthew 18:1-9 Who are the greatest today in the churches and are they likely
THE PARABLE OF THE WEEDS The Parable of the Weeds – Matthew 13:24-30 What would happen if believers were to isolate themselves completely from unbelievers? Bible
101 DISCREPANCIES BETWEEN JESUS AND PAUL Christians have to decide whether to obey Jesus or to obey Paul. (1)Jesus says we should beware of the doctrine