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Most Christians are unaware that Easter is a pagan festival merged with Christianity. 

In the bible, God instituted certain holy days (holidays), including the Passover and the Feast of Tabernacles.  Easter is not one of them.  Easter was smuggled into the King James Bible in Acts 12:4, where it was substituted for the original Passover.  It does not exist in any other bible.  Even King James was forced to remove the word in the New King James Bible.

King James also smuggled in the concept of the Trinity into the bible.  1 John 5:7 only exists in the King James Version of the bible.  It does not exist in any other bible.


Sun worship

Jeremiah warns that believers should not learn the way of the heathen. (Jeremiah 10:2). Nevertheless, most Christians are unaware that Easter is a pagan festival merged with Christianity.  Easter means “movement towards the rising sun.”  It is the worship of Baal, or the worship of the sun.  Ham, Noah’s son, married a woman called Semiramis.  (Another name for her in the bible is Ashtoreth.)  They gave birth to a son called Nimrod.  After Ham’s death, Nimrod married his own mother, Semiramis, and became a powerful king of ancient Babylon.

When Nimrod was also killed, Semiramis deified him as sun-god or life-giver.  Later, he became known as Baal.  Semiramis also convinced the people to worship Tammuz, her illegitimate son, as Nimrod reborn.  She herself was worshipped as the Queen of Heaven and goddess of fertility.  In some cultures, Semiramis is called Ishtar, which is pronounced Easter.

Because of their prolific nature, rabbits were associated with Ishtar, the goddess of fertility, which is where we got the Easter bunny.  Ancient Babylonians also believed that an egg fell into the Euphrates River from the moon, from which Queen Ishtar was apparently “hatched.”  This moon egg was called Ishtar’s egg.

In Western Europe, it is traditional to eat hot-crossed buns on Easter Sunday morning.  These small sweet buns are usually decorated with solar crosses made of white icing.  They were consecrated in ancient Greece to the goddess of the sunrise, which is why you have “sunrise services” in some churches in Easter.  In ancient Babylon, the buns were offered to the Queen of Heaven; the goddess of Easter.


Easter date

Have you noticed that your birthday falls on different days from year to year?  So how come the celebration of Easter always falls on Friday and on Sunday?  Moreover, unlike your birthday, the date for Easter changes from year to year.  Sometimes it is in March; sometimes in April.

Easter moves from year to year because the date has nothing to do with the death and resurrection of Jesus but with the changing cycles of the moon.  Easter is celebrated on the first Sunday after the first Vernal Equinox full moon, which is consecrated as Ishtar’s Sunday.  This signifies the astronomical arrival of spring.  The pagan belief is that the sun dies at winter (Christmas) and is reborn at spring (Easter). 

The celebration of Easter goes back to the springtime ritual instituted by Semiramis following the death of Tammuz who, according to folklore, was killed by a wild boar. The forty days of mourning for Tammuz, when no meat was allowed to be eaten, has become the Christian Lent, for which no biblical authority exists.  Lent begins, according to Christian tradition, on Ash Wednesday, which is also pagan.  The ashes were said to be the seed of the Indian fire god, Agni, who was deemed to have the power to forgive sins.


Good Saturday

Good Friday is also a misnomer.  Jesus was not crucified on a Friday.  The week in which he was crucified contained two Sabbaths and he was crucified on a Wednesday.  The following Thursday was a high Sabbath day; the first day of unleavened bread.   

Jesus did not resurrect on a Sunday.  He resurrected on a Saturday, which was a regular weekly Sabbath day different from the high Sabbath of the preceding Thursday.  Mary Magdalene discovered the empty tomb on Sunday morning, while it was still dark.  Christians should realise that from Friday evening to Sunday morning does not constitute three days and three nights in the grave, but one day and two nights. 

The decision to change the day of the resurrection to Sunday was simply a continuation of the Babylonian tradition.  Nimrod was ostensibly resurrected on a Sunday; a day devoted to worshipping the sun.  By AD 321, Constantine established Sunday as part of the official state religion, and the Sabbath was statutorily changed from Saturday to Sunday.  

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