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The Wise and Foolish Builders- Matthew 7:24-29

What is the most amazing thing to you about all that Jesus ever said?

Bible Study

Matt 7:24-29

24  “Therefore whoever hears these sayings of Mine, and does them, I will liken him to a wise man who built his house on the rock:

25  “and the rain descended, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house; and it did not fall, for it was founded on the rock.

26  “Now everyone who hears these sayings of Mine, and does not do them, will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand:

27  “and the rain descended, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house; and it fell. And great was its fall.”

28  And so it was, when Jesus had ended these sayings, that the people were astonished at His teaching,

29  for He taught them as one having authority, and not as the scribes.



Food for Thought

1.   How do you feel when you offer sound advice and it is rejected?

2.   What do you think?  Will a Christian who builds his faith on the words of Paul inherit the kingdom of God?

3.   What do you think will happen to those who don’t hear the sayings of Jesus?


Bible Study

4.   Who does Jesus say is wise? (7:24)

5.   Apart from hearing Jesus’ words. What else must we do in order to be wise? (7:24)

6.   Jesus compares wise living to building a house on what kind of foundation? (7:24)

7.   What sets fools apart from the wise? (7:24/26)

8.   In Jesus’ analogy, what strong forces of nature pounded on the wise man’s house? (7:25)

9.   What was the effect of the wind and the rain on the house? (7:25)

10.  Why was the house not part of the “disaster area”? 7:25)

11.  What kind of people does Jesus talk about in contrast to the wise person? (7:26)

12.  What individuals are like the man who builds a house on sand? (7:26)

13.  According to Jesus, foolish living is like building a house on what kind of foundation? (7:26)

14.  In Jesus’ analogy, what happened when the wind and water crashed against the house of the fool? (7:27)

15.  How did the crowd respond to Jesus’ teaching? (7:28)

16.  Why did the crowd react with amazement to Jesus’ teaching? (7:29)


Kingdom Dynamics

17.  Who is Jesus addressing in this passage?

18.  What exactly does “the rock” refer to?

19.  What does the sand refer to?

20.  Why does the foolish man build his house on the sand?

21.  What are the rain, the floods and the winds?

22.  What exactly is Jesus promising those who are willing to live by his words?

23.  What kind of storm do you think claims the greatest number of spiritual casualties and why?

24.  To be a “wise builder” at this point in your life, do you need to learn more or practice more what you have already learnt?

25.  What is the message of this parable about the realities of life?

26.  Why is it difficult to apply God’s truth to our lives?

27.  How does obedience to \God bring security to our lives?

28.  How can you build your life on Christ?

29.  What are some sandy foundations you have seen people base their lives on?

30.  How do you feel when you see people ignoring God and making bad decisions?

31.  What is the most amazing thing to you about all that Jesus ever said?


Practical Christianity

32.  What can you do today to encourage someone to listen to the voice of Jesus and obey what he or she hears?

33.  What neglected command of Christ will you begin obeying this week?



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